Unable to Set Chrome Prefs in Katalon Studio Version 7.5.1

I have a script which downloads files from Chrome to a specific directory. Because the specific location changes throughout the script, I would set my Chrome preferences programmatically.

def chromePrefs = [
	('profile.default_content_settings.popups') : '0',
	('download.default_directory') : currentDownloadDirectoryString,
	('download.prompt_for_download') : 'false'
RunConfiguration.setWebDriverPreferencesProperty('prefs', chromePrefs)

In Katalon Studio version 7.4.3, this works fine and the files are downloaded to the correct directory.

But, in version 7.5.1, the files were downloaded to the system default directory, e.g. C:\Users\sstream\Downloads.

Does anyone know what would cause this?
I notice the changelog mentions Chrome 83 is now supported. Did this version change the key for the default download directory preference?

Hi @sstream,
Sorry for this issue. We will fix it in upcoming releases.

Hi. Indeed, for me my tests also fail. I’ve used the same setup but through the desired capabilities settings.


This issue has been fixed in v7.5.2. Please download the version at this link:

Speaking for my issue: I can say it works again! Thanks!!