Unable to open this link in katalon studio


Currently I am facing one issue

Please check below screenshot : which is having many option like: endorse,copy policy etc

So how can i open this link in katalon studio

Please provide appropriate solution



can you share what error you get?

Please check this error :

2019-07-24 12:34:24.596 DEBUG testcase.Copy Policy - 14: click(findTestObject(“Page_InsuredHQ - Your Insurance management system/i_InsuredHQ Core_fa fa-random”))
2019-07-24 12:34:24.940 ERROR c.k.k.core.keyword.internal.KeywordMain - :x: Unable to click on object ‘Object Repository/Page_InsuredHQ - Your Insurance management system/i_InsuredHQ Core_fa fa-random’ (Root cause: com.kms.katalon.core.exception.StepFailedException: Unable to click on object ‘Object Repository/Page_InsuredHQ - Your Insurance management system/i_InsuredHQ Core_fa fa-random’

What selector do you use?

Xpath or else attribute any one of them i was using in script element is capture successfully in katalon

but when i was running this script using this captured element i am getting this error

Should i use for wait command ???

Please share XPaths you use for these links.

Xpath : //a[@onclick=“confirm_custom_policy(‘Copy Policy’,‘np_policy_transaction.php?copy_policy_id=6750 & client_id=323’);”]

Every time policy id is differ so can i handle this ???

is there any update??? please let me know

You can captur the object by it’s text
//a[contains(text(), 'Copy Policy')]

ok thank you