Unable to click on element while it's present in dom but not shown in display

I am not able to click on an element while it’s present in dom but out of display range{When we scroll it will appear }.
Let’s take an example,
In a shopping application, when we select a product a new page appear from where we add the product into cart or buy the product.
I want to click on add to cart button, so first i check that element is present or not by using :-Mobile.verifyElementExist(findTestObject(‘xpath’), 10,FailureHandling.CONTINUE_ON_FAILURE )
Mobile.waitForElementPresent(findTestObject(‘xpath’), 10)
Mobile.verifyElementVisible(findTestObject(‘xpath’), 10)

these all three methods are return true but after that when perform the click action it’s not able to click and there is no exception.
But in logs this statement appeared “Element is null”

What to do here. Am i missing something ?