Two Pop-up dialog issue: Katalon not identifying an object in the secondary object on runtime


I couldn’t find a related case referencing to my issue. Katalon doesn’t have an issue with identifying and interacting with the elements inside the first Pop-up dialog. However, when the second Pop-up dialog opens on top, Katalon does not identify or interact with any of the elements inside the second Pop-up.

Things to note:

  1. The first dialog has elements elements identified manually.
  2. It is possible to search for the html elements using the same XPath defined in the object with Google inspect element. (Image below)
  3. I tried using other XPaths, alternate identifiers and built-in functions to interact with those elements.
  4. Two testers have the same issue. Different versions of Katalon 9.7 and 9.6 on Windows 11 and Windows 10 respectively. Web testing

Thank you in advance

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If you are trying to get a pathway to the highlighted textarea, perhaps you can use the below. I am assuming that you may have a dynamic pathway and breaking the <id> attribute in two.

//textarea[contains(@id,"WebPatterns_wt") and contains(@id,"block_wtMainContent_wt")]

Note: the pathway you have in your image also should work as it is showing 1 of 1. Perhaps, you just need to wait for the textarea to become visible, or maybe you need to switch to it first before interacting with it.

WebUI.delay(0.5)   // how slow is your system


WebUI.waitForElementVisible(findTestObject(...), 10)

After you have interacted with your text area, then you need to come back to the main page.

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Above screenshot is the second popup which you help with??