Testcase search with multi tag


I have different TestCase in Katalon that I would like to tag with multiple tags to find them later easily

So for example in my TestCase propeties in the field Tag :

  • TestCase1 with tagA, tagB, tagC

  • TestCase2 with tagA, tagC

  • TestCase3 with TagB, tagC

I would like to do a multi tag search on tagB AND tagC for example.
(It should return TestCase1 and TestCase3)

I tried :
Tags = ( tagB,tagC) => return nothing
tag = (tagB) tag = (tagC) => return only TestCase with tagC

I follow this help but it seems it doesnā€™t work.

Any ideas ?

Thanks you for your help.

Olivier J.

I gave up on the tags field.

Add your ā€œtagsā€ to the Test Case Properties Description field. Do your search in the Description field. Works exactly like you would expect.

Hi @olivier,
To enable multiple tags searching, please use this plugin https://docs.katalon.com/katalon-studio/docs/test-case-management-with-tags.html


Can you add a tag3 in your example.
and then, what do you enter in the search bar to find this TestCase whith tag1 AND tag3 ?

Thank You

This syntax returns me no resultā€¦

"search for test artifacts labeled with Multiple Tags, directly type on the search box follow this syntax: Tags = (NameOfTag1, NameOfTag2) "

The sentiment behind my statement ā€œI gave up on tagsā€ was due to them becoming broken some time ago. One of the devs responding couldnā€™t see what the problem was. At some point shortly after, I noticed searching the description field worked just fine.

Problem - now thatā€™s broken too.

@olivier Sorry I misled you, that was not my intention.

@huynguyen @devalex88 @ThanhTo

This should be fixed. This used to work. When you fix it please implement this simple syntax:

word1 space word2 space word3
ā€ƒmeans word1 AND word2 AND word3

ā€ƒ means word1 OR word2 OR word3

(Moving to Bug Reports)

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Hi Katalon Team,

May I know the status on the bug?


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