Test mobile application on a local network with IP?


How is possible to test with Katalon an APK app installed on an android tablet connected directly to local network (with RJ45 cable) ?
(so, without using the USB port driver !)

Thanks a lot for your answer,


you need to connect to the pc using usb at least once for authentification , look for android wifi debug


Thank you for your help, I find these adb command, and it works :
adb kill-server
adb tcpip 5555
adb connect my.phone.ip:5555

Now I’m able to launch tests in Test Suite, first on my mobile on USB port and then on another mobile in wifi mode.
But… I need before to switch my “Device Name” in Setting / Desired Capability / Mobile Android from my USB device to my wifi device…

So, I tried to put my “Test Suites” in a “Test Suites Collection” and for each I can select a “Run Configuration”… with “parallel” Run option but it doesn"t work …
Katalon open my app on each mobile phone (in the same time almost) 10 seconds later it close it, and the test failed.

Message is: Unable to start app at : “myapp.apk”

I have the same message even if I use a “sequential” run.

Do you have an idea ?


Sorry i only ran a few tests on android and i never ran into issues for my testing so i can’t help you alot.
is this the whole message ? Are you getting any other errors ? (in the console )

Hi @olivier
Nice topic
Follow up with you, how is it?

Test mobile application on a local network with IP?

Hi @Katalon_team , is there any docs about this?