Test case pass but the some steps of that test case was failed.

Operating System
MacOS Montery version 12.6.3 (21G419)

Katalon Studio version
Version 8.5.5

Log Folder:

  • Windows logs folder: Katalon Studio folder>\config\.metadata\.log
  • MacOS logs folder: file:///Applications/Katalon%20Studio.app/Contents/MacOS/config/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/log

Environment (for Mobile Testing)

  • Mobile Application

Environment (for Mobile testing)

appium.log (17.0 KB)

Steps to reproduce:
*Open Spot.love App

  • Go to Profile tab
  • Tap the Dating Preferences
  • Change multiple preferences at the same time
  • After that your katalon script is moving faster than your phone device.
  • When your script is running away from the device than the issue will be produce some where randomly.
    Note: I m trying to multiple devices to check the issue but this issue is still reproducible for multiple devices.

Expected Behavior
One of the step of my test case was failed but the whole test case was passed how is it possible that there is no any check implemented to the test case that if any one step was failed but the test case were pass. "i have attached the Screenshots of the katalon studio as well as the App screenshot.

Actual Behavior

Screenshots / Videos (please attach screenshots or videos if necessary to reproduce the issue)


As telling here, your code looks similar to the example and it explains that The test itself will pass since there is no error in the code or in finding the elements on the page. Therefore, I think that is the reason why the execution is passed.

  • But there is no any statement that shows The test itself will pass since there is no error in the code
  • How is it possible that if is not run and the test case shows the error directly and won’t go to the else part.

Check Project Settings > Test Design > Test Case > Default Failure Handling for Test step

Which option do you have for that?


I can not read the messages in the screenshot you attached.

Please copy & paste the full messages as characters, not image. Please show all; do not trim it.