Test Case fails as later step is getting executed before previous step

In the below test case, by the time my step 13 completes fully, step 15 initiates and therefore the test case gives wrong result.

Here as per my step 12 i am clicking on Save button to save the page which takes some time and so i am using step 13 as Wait for Page Load, but then my step 15 evokes i.e Double Click happens immediately and then the Page starts to Save…I have used Delay at various places but still step 15 evokes all the time…What could be the problem??


page can be loaded, but not completely generated.
in such situations i’m using waitForElementVisible/Clickable before 1st interaction with page

page can be loaded, but not completly generated.
in such situations i’m using waitForElementVisible/Clickable before 1st interaction with

yeah I’ve run into this, I sometimes throw in a:

normally 1 to 2 seconds is enough, but the waitForElementVisible is a better option as it’s more dynamic.

Andrej Podhajský said:

page can be loaded, but not completely generated.
in such situations i’m using waitForElementVisible/Clickable before 1st interaction with page

Thanks, so in this case where should i used Wait for Element Visible/Clickable…before Step 13 or after Step 13???

instead of step 13

Thanks i used it as well, but on click of Save it takes some time to initialize the operation of Save and in that time the script is able to find the element Close_Date_Post_Opty and hence Wait for element visible or Wait for element clickable is also not working…Main problem is that it executes step 15 immediately and then operation of Save initializes

in that case, use
WebUI.waitForElementNotVisible() WebUI.waitForElementNotPresent() and wait until save button (or whatever) disaper

I believe edge needs a specific webdriver but I could be wrong.