Test Case Failed after updating chromedriver


After updating chromedriver, all my TC cruch, as you can see in my log viewer.
Does any one of you, have this problem?

Most of the error message is not visible. Please post all of it.

Okey, you find de detail in my attachement screnchot.

Caused by : Java.lang.IllegalArgumentException : Object is null

WebUI.click(findTestObject(null)) You can’t click a null object, so remove this step or add an object like in your step verifyElementPresent

thank you, but I think the problem is relied on proxy cause, all URL i tried to reach are unreachable, as you can see in the screenshot below:

Well both are true - if you cant access the site then obviously you cant perform the click. But as Helene said - you wont be able to click on an object of null. You need to either record an object and attatch it, or manually create an object.

You will need to fix your sites settings and configurate it to allow access or fix whatever that issue is. Then you can work on caputring objects to perform the click on.
