Weekly Katalon FAQs (3) - Test report

:point_right: See also: Technical FAQs (1) - Browser & Testing environment

:loudspeaker: FAQs listed in this topic

9. Why the reports cannot be uploaded to TestOps successfully?
10. Where to find the detailed reports on TestOps?
11. How to show the Profile name in the PDF report?
12. How can we export report files with detailed test steps in Katalon Studio?

9. Why the reports cannot be uploaded to TestOps successfully?

:star: Only available for trial and paid users

Issue: The Report cannot be uploaded to TestOps successfully when the log says that “Report has been sent to Katalon TestOps”.

22:05:32 [2021-05-16T22:05:32.147570] Report has been sent to Katalon TestOps




22:05:48 [2021-05-16T22:05:48.316958] End release license task

22:05:48 [2021-05-16T22:05:48.317829] All launchers terminated

22:05:48 Build step 'Execute Katalon Studio Tests' marked the build as a failure

22:05:48 Finished: FAILURE

Solution: Make sure that the file [project folder]/settings/internal/com.kms.katalon.integration.analytics.properties. is committed to the remote git repository.

10. Where to find the detailed reports on TestOps?

:star: Only available for trial and paid users

In TestOps, there are two kinds of reports:

  • The detailed reports that are uploaded from Katalon Studio to TestOps (You can find them under the File tab).

This report will cover all the detailed steps if you enable Log executed test steps in Katalon Studio settings.

  • The reports that are generated separately by TestOps. This one will give you a summary instead of detailed steps.

11. How to show the Profile name in the PDF report?

To have an overview of the execution from the report file, you can include the Profile name at the top of the execution log by following an example below:

  • Step 1: At the profile named Dev , add the Profile_Name with the value: Dev

  • Step 2: Open the first test case of the test suite​ > Add Comment > Double click the Input:

  • Step 3: Select the Value Type and the Value as below:

  • Step 4: Then select the Profile “Dev” to execute the test suite

  • Step 5: Open the PDF report file and you’ll see the Profile name in the execution log:

12. How can we export report files with detailed test steps in Katalon Studio?

Note: For Katalon Studio version 6.1.5- 6.3.3, please install the Basic Report plugin to use this feature.

From version 7.0, when executing any Test Suite or Test Suite Collection, the Junit reports can be automatically generated.

Automatically generate reports

In Project > Settings > Plugins > Report, select the formats of reports that will be automatically generated after each Test Suite execution.

Execute a Test Suite / Test Suite Collection and observe the messages in the Log Viewer after the execution completes. The reports will be generated according to your configuration above.

You can view the generated reports in <project_folder>\Reports\<execution_folder> after the test execution finishes.

Manually generate reports

In the Tests Explorer tab → Reports → Select your Tests Suite/ Test Suite Collection → Export report → Choose your preferred kind of reports.

For Test Suite Collection, you can export to HTML format only.

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