Tap and swipe left an element to delete does not work


I am trying to delete an element on mobile simulator iOS. The only way to do so is to swipe left. Note that even when performing the action manually, sometimes when I try swipe left, it brings me to the edit page instead of showing the delete button. With scripting, it always brings me to the edit page. How to go about this issue? Thanks.

def deleteSchedulesIOS(numberOfSchedules) {
for (int i=0;i<numberOfSchedules;i++) {

		Mobile.swipe(105, 416, 0, 400)

I have a similar problem in our application, can I ask if you found out anything about this problem?
Same behavior - every time I am trying to open delete/copy button by horizontal swipe it use tap and open record on main screen. Thanks for any helpful answer :slight_smile: