Suite with test Data in excel and bool var


Thank you for trying different scenarios, we will investigate this problem. In the mean time, you can use MSExcel the desktop app to edit the Excel file.

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You can enable this feature to obtain old variable binding behaviors. Old test data continue to be read as string to ensure that we don’t break existing test cases.

In this example, we create a test suite and a test case with variables. booleanVar is a test case variable of type Boolean; numberVar a test case variable of type Number; and, stringVar a test case variable of type String.

Boolean Integer String
TRUE 1 one
FALSE 2 zero
Create the following custom keyword TestDataKeyword:
public class testdata {

public static void printString(String str) {
	println str;

public static void printInt(BigDecimal integer) {
	println integer;

public static void printBoolean(boolean bool) {
	println bool;

Use them in the test case Sample Test Case as followed:
where booleanVar, numberVar, stringVar are test case variables.