Startup failed after a git merge

Hi everyone,
After resolving a git merge in a test case I bumped into weird errors. It says:
org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
script1634030048777.groovy: 1: expecting EOF, found ‘static’ @ line 1, column 9.
import static com.kms.katalon.core.checkpoint.CheckpointFactory.findCheckpoint

1 error

No matter what I write into the first line, it will always have some error in it.
For example if I leave it empty:
Invalid variable name. Must start with a letter but was: 
. At [1:1] @ line 1, column 1.


1 error

If I write a comment:
Invalid variable name. Must start with a letter but was: 
. At [1:1] @ line 1, column 1.

1 error

If I try to import anything else:
unable to resolve class Keys
@ line 1, column 34.
import org.openqa.selenium.Keys as Keys

1 error

I must be blind, but can’t find anything related here, or anywhere else in the script.

Any idea is welcome.

Hi @daniel.makra,

To resolve script errors, you can open Problems view then double-click on the row of error, KS will automatically open the script that contains the error. You can resolve the conflict until the Problems view shows no errors then re-run the test.

Thank you for your answer, but unfortunatelly it was not the case. It doesn’t even show the error icon in front of the line number…

I leave here the solution if anyone would bump into the same problem.

I had solved the git conflict in notepad and it turned out that was saved in UTF-8 with BOM (Byte Order Marker)
After it was switched back to plain UTF-8 in Notepad++, it worked immediately.