span_OK not working

1 week ago the test case ran just fine, today, running it, the test case fails, telling me that span_OK can not be found, even though it is still there, and the code hasn’t changed.

It’s one of those times where Friday it works great, and Monday it doesn’t work at all.

This is the code in the script:’--------------- (2)/span_OK’))

This is the error:

Unable to click on object ‘Object Repository/------------------- (2)/span_OK’ (Root cause: com.kms.katalon.core.webui.exception.WebElementNotFoundException: Web element with id: ‘Object Repository/-------------------(2)/span_OK’ located by ‘By.xpath: //span[@id = ‘button-1235-btnInnerEl’ and (text() = ‘OK’ or . = ‘OK’)]’ not found)

***I’ve added the dashes for privacy reasons.

The exact error is a checking timeout.

It looks like your Object wasn’t set up with a very good identifier. Try to edit the Object and choose only id as an identifier. This usually works much better than combined identifiers. Check the console to make sure Katalon will actually use the updated identifiers. Otherwise, create a new test object and just add the id (button-1235-btnInnerEl) to it.

Hi, I’ve figured out the issue. For some reason, the ID changed to (button-1236-btnInnerEl).

Thanks for your help.