EDIT: @devalex88, @YoungNgo: This thread appeared originally under the Web Testing category. In agreement with the original author I moved it to the Suggestions category since I believe Katalon could benefit from addressing at least some of the concerns @David_Eckert has raised.
The rest of this discussion is left here as an aid to Katalon Devs in understanding the original discourse, what was covered, its history/chronology and how we ended up “here”.
Thanks for reading.
I feel your pain, David, really. However, I’ve never tried to import Se tests so I can’t help much with that.
Well, that’s obviously not cool.
Was there a specific error reported in Katalon?
FWIW, I test a humongous ASP.NET app in Katalon and I can assure you, it works well. So what I suggest you do, is stick to your single test case (login, then navigate) and we’ll see if we can get you up and running. And remember, we’re approaching this one step at a time (follow the advice here and in less than a week, you’ll be testing again).
So, first, follow the advice in this article. It’ll help us to help you: