Project overlaps the location of another project


I’m trying to build a test automation using Jenkins.

To make it short, I’m running a batch file to run a simple test suite. But after a few problems with Katalon making my life harder than expected after renaming stuff, I ended creating a new project, copied by hand the objects, tests cases and so on and eventualy ended up with this message in console (when trying to run the test) : "<path\projectName> overlaps the location of another project : <path\oldProjectName>

Here’s the console command : “C:\Program Files\Katalon_Studio\katalon.exe” -noSplash -runMode=console -consoleLog -noExit -projectPath=“c:\jenkins\workspace\TFA_test_auto\katalonTests\katalonTests.prj” -retry=0 -testSuitePath=“Test Suites/Login” -executionProfile=“default” -browserType=“Firefox” -reportFolder=“c:\jenkins\workspace\TFA_test_auto\KatalonReport” -reportFileName=“20180627_1447_testsAuto”

Here’s the end of the console log : Contains: OK

Contains: c:\jenkins\workspace\TFA_test_auto\katalonTests overlaps the location

of another project: 'c%%jenkins%workspace%TFA_test_auto%katalonTests%Katalon_tes


I’m up to any idea to correct this as it worked yesterday but not anymore. I’d also dislike pretty much removing everything and starting over but… well, if it’s the only solution…


Hello, I’ve managed to resolve this by myself. To do so, I tracked the reference of the “old” project name and removed the .metadata files in these folders :
- c:\users\\config\.metadata\
- c:\jenkins\workspace\\config\.metadata\

Sorry about that

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