Opening Firefox with a Specific, non anonymous profile

I have made and published a demo project in Github



How to start Firefox with prepared user profile

Have a look at the source of Test Cases/TC1

How to start Firefox with multiple user Profiles

I made a Excel book named Book1.xlsx and saved in the folder Data Files. It contains the following content: Book1

I registered the Excel file into Katalon Studio. See the document Manage Test Data

We can iterate over the list of user profile names in the data file (‘usualProfile’, ‘seleniumProfile’) in two ways.

  1. a Test Case iterates over the data while invoking another Test Case passing the profile name as parameter. Please find the code: Test Cases/TC2 iterates over the list of Profile names while calling another Test Cases/worker
  2. a Test Suite iterates over the data while invoking another Test Case passing the profile name as parameter. The following screenshot shows how Test Suites/TS3 is defined:

Both approach resulted the same output in the log:

...>>> opened in FireFox with profile named usualProfile...>>> opened in FireFox with profile named seleniumProfile...

I think this log messages proves that I could start Firefox sequentially multiple times with different customer profiles recorded in Excel file.

The Katalon documentation Data driven testing is describing similar know-how.