I could successfully developed a set of Groovy classes named webdriverfactory4ks
. This library enables me to launch Groogle Chrome browser specifying a Custom Profile name. You can use it as follows:
import com.kazurayam.ksbackyard.webdriver.ChromeDriverFactory
void test_openChromeDriver() {
ChromeDriverFactory cdFactory = new ChromeDriverFactory()
WebDriver driver = cdFactory.openChromeDriverWithProfile('Katalon') // Katalon is a Profile name
assertThat(driver, is(notNullValue()))
This code set worked OK.
I would share the code later.
This code set involves a few Groovy classes, so it should be archived into a *.jar for sharing class files. The Katalon Plugin mechanism is still being developed, and would requires a few weeks to come.
edited 12/March/2019
I have published the webdriverfactory4ks-all.jar on GitHub.