Open Browser with Custom Profile

As for

this problem, in the selenium - WebDriverException: unknown error: DevToolsActivePort file doesn't exist while trying to initiate Chrome Browser - Stack Overflow discussion, the following was mentioned.

this can be caused by using a Chromedriver which does not support the version of the installed Chrome. This can happen, for example, if chrome is upgraded without upgrading Chromedriver. – expz Nov 29 '18 at 21:12

It implies, that the chromedirver bundled in the Katalon Studio might be too old to work with the current version of Google Chrome.

OK, let me check it.

My Environment

OS: Windows 7
Katalon Studio version : 6.0.6 beta
chromedriver version: 2.43.600210
Chrome browser version: 72.0.3626.121


Chrome Driver’s documentation ChromeDriver - WebDriver for Chrome - Downloads says

If you are using Chrome version 72, please download ChromeDriver 2.46 or ChromeDriver 72.0.3626.69"


I downloaded the Chrome Driver 2.46 and installed into the Katalon Studio’s directory. I tried my test and found that the “DevToolsActivePort file doesn’t exist” problem disappeared.


The chromedrivers bundled in Katalon Studio 6.0.6 should be updated to the current releases.

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