Object identification is too slow at the time of execution


I am evaluating the Katalon Studio. I developed a script using the Oracle demo instance. Until navigating to the desired page is executed fast. But to enter text in a text field it took 30 secs. and same for the following text fields.

How to optimize the object identification so that it will identify the object quickly at the time of execution?

Hi @kusuma.rajkiran

Please try to go into Project > Settings > Execution and disable Smart Wait.
By default, Smart Wait will wait for the page to be relatively static, this increases the stability of the test, but at the expense of extra execution time.

Let me know if it resolves the issue.

Regards !

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Thanks a lot @ThanhTo

It worked…

Hello folks

Katalon Studio 7.2.5 including an enhancement for SmartWait is available. Please check out our release note and the download link.
