Not able to see the Detailed report of test execution when we use Collections through Command Promp

Not able to see the Detailed report of test execution when we use Collections through Command Prompt

Not able to see why the test case is failed while i am running Collections through Command line.

katalonc -noSplash -runMode=console -projectPath=“C:\AutomatedProjects\TAS\tas-scheduling-automation\TAS-Practice.prj” -statusDelay=10 -retry=0 -testSuiteCollectionPath=“Test Suites/CI_CD_TestCaseSuiteCollection_QA” -apiKey="*******"

execution completed but test cases failed and i don’t see why test case is failed because exection just seen which number of test case is getting below :

Test Suites/CI_CD_TestCaseSuiteCollection - 20200519_154503…27/28(96%)

Test Suites/NodeTestSuites/FilterNodeTestcases - remoteqa - 20200519_154503…

Test Suites/SmokeTest_TAS - remoteqa - 20200519_154504…12/12(100%)