[New Releases] Katalon Platform Update - March 20th, 2023

Hi Community members, :wave:

Today we’re releasing the March 20th update to the Katalon which brings a numbers of major update…

Platform On-Premise


Katalon Platform On-Premises offers enterprise customers control, security, compliance, and cost-effectiveness, all come with the high performance offerings of Katalon Platform features. Customers have complete control over their testing environment, ensuring their data is secure and compliant, and can leverage their existing infrastructure for cost savings and better performance.

:pushpin: More information is available on our documentation: Katalon Platform On-Premises | Katalon Docs


Bug fixes

We fixed a bug that prevented the Katalon Platform quote from showing up if the subscription was longer than 1 year. The bug appeared on version 1.9.1 and also on Administration version 2.0.4. Now, the quote will be displayed for the subscription period of 1, 2, and 3 years.

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