New here? Then read this first! πŸ‘‹

Hi and welcome to Katalon Community! We are happy to see you here! Please make sure to READ this topic first to get to know our forum.

Katalon Community is a discussion forum for users of Katalon Platform to come together and discuss, learn, and connect with each other. The below resources have been created to help you learn the ins-and-outs of our forum.

1. Community Guideline

Each and every community (whether online or offline) is built upon the foundation of civilized discussions. Hence, please take a few minutes to go through some of the key rules on how you should behave on our forum.

2. Getting Started Guides for Newbies

It is important that you read through our 7-part Getting Started Guide to fully familiarize yourself with how our forum works, how you could make it works for you, and how you can earn rewards and recognition through your participation on our forum.

3. How to write your questions effectively

Every now and then we get poorly formatted, or nonsensical questions that do not add any value to our community. Learn how to detail your questions/issues effectively so that other members and our team can help you better!

If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us by sending an email to

And lastly, please click on the button below to let us know that you have read through this topic. If you do not, then you will receive constant reminders to do so.

Don’t say we have not warned you