Mobile on macOS

Hi @thongnmtran


tks, and this last one /=)

$ ideviceinfo -u <device_id>

If this command return a right result, there must be something wrong with the Katalon Studio, and that is our duty to fix that problem /=)

Besides, have you try to reopen Katalon Studio after the installation?

Got error

Could you @thongnmtran help me on this? coz I can find any information on google regarding this solution

@jefri.zhang, searching with the error message ideviceinfo "could not connect to lockdownd, error code -3" and I’ve found this one Maybe you could try that.

Hi @thongnmtran

Thanks for that
but, It still return the same error

Btw, what does this means ‘sudo rm /var/db/lockdown/*’ ?
I’m also try to check the /var/db/lockdown, and not sure what is diff between 700 and 777

got meeting to attend first, ttl

Hi @jefri.zhang,

The command “sudo rm /var/db/lockdown/*” means to remove everything under the folder /var/db/lockdown. And the 777 or 700 is the file permission.

With your situation now, I think that you have to follow the message "could not connect to lockdownd, error code -3" and try anything you’ll have found until you find an appropriate solution. There is nothing much I can help you now… But in case you find something that is hard to understand… just send it to me… and we will figure it out together /=)

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Hi @thongnmtran

Thanks for your help

Will try hard for this
follow the message "could not connect to lockdownd, error code -3"

Will update or follow up with you later