Hi there,
For those who encounter this issue on Intel-based macOS Ventura, please download the build via this link: Release v8.5.3.alpha · katalon-studio/katalon-studio (github.com). Below is the list of known issues in 8.5.3.alpha.
- Katalon Studio Quick Start Page is not loading.
- Sending SOAP requests from SoapUI after importing is unstable.
- “Uncaught ReferenceError: editor is not defined” message displayed after sending SOAP requests, and saving request header.
- Minor UI issue while adding global variables to Execution Profile.
Please note that 8.5.3.alpha is a temporary solution. Earlier, we planned to merge it to 8.5.5 and now, we decided not to do that because the fix has significant side effects on the Katalon Studio application. Importantly, our developers found out Katalon Studio’s crashing on macOS Ventura (13.0) is due to an issue with WebKit (Refer to Crash with org.eclipse.swt.browser using Safari on macOS Ventura · Issue #452).
Both we and Eclipse team are still waiting for the response from Apple to make the final decision for the official solution.