Jenkins execution not finding custom files in Katalon Proyect (Solved)

Hey there. Im using Jenkins to run my test. Inside my proyect, i have a Folder called “Files\DEV” with custom files that are needed to execute the tests. When i run those tests from my local pc using the same proyect, it will run properly. But when i try to run the suite from Jenkins, it logs this:

Private key file not found: Files\DEV\fda2edcf48-private.pem.key
Certificate file: Files\DEV\fda2edcf48-certificate.pem.crt is not found.

Am i missing any config? Please let me now, thank you!



you should check those files permissions

As you can see, the error was the " \ " in the path. Jenkins can’t recognize those bars as a part of the path. I simply changed them to be " / " instead, and it worked right.

Anyways, thanks for your answer!
