Introduction to Windows Spy Utility

I did that but i’m getting same error and also i’m not able to record windows application

I have an application i want to test that requires a command line switch to run, how do I include this?

for example: c:\madeup\bogus.exe Bogus

Whenever I try to run I get an error

@ashish.goyal Kindly use sendkeys and that will solve your problem; For example
Take the entire pane as your object and then-
Windows.sendKeys(findWindowsObject(’’), Keys.chord(Keys.CTRL))
Windows.sendKeys(findWindowsObject(’’), Keys.chord(Keys.SHIFT, ‘n’))

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In the CONFIGURATIONS section:

Configuration: where you can view and edit the WinAppDriver URL and Desired Capabilities.

Application File: the absolute path to the Windows Executable File (*.exe) of the testing machine. For Windows users, click Browse… button to locate the application file.

The Start button is to be enabled after the Application File text box is filled.

When the application starts, Katalon Studio starts capturing all available Windows objects on the current screen of the testing machine and shows them at the ALL OBJECTS section.