IF statement to Check Shopping Cart Empty or Not Empty

Hello All,
I am trying to write an IF statement to complete the following in Katalon:
I want Katalon to check that the shopping cart is NOT empty
IF NOT empty click view shopping cart details
IF empty, click add to shopping cart.

Can someone please show me how to write this? Thanks for your help.

@uyen.do could you help?

Hi there,

Please check the link below for a demo of your request.

Let me know if you have further questions. Thanks!

Hello uyen,
Thank you so much for responding to my inquiry. However, when I click the link that you provided I am not able to see the recording. Instead I see HTML code like below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> test

Hi there,

It’s a test script which you can import into KR.

Try it :grinning:

Can you please walk me through how to to import the script into the Katalon Recorder. I can’t find a way to do it.

shopping cart

Hi there,

Check the GIF above to see how you could import a script into Recorder. Let me know if you have further questions.

Thank you very much. Just a fyi, I am using the Katalon Studio Enterprise Edition. Can I import scripts in similar way?

FYI: Moved this out of the Tips and Tricks category and into the General Discussions category.

If you can share the HTML you are working with, we could give you a custom solution using groovy. We’d need to see the HTML for the cart “widget”, basically the icon and/or text on the page that indicates that your cart is/is not empty. Then we’ll need to see the HTML for the link to “view shopping cart details” and the “add to shopping cart” button.

Hello Brandon, where is the general category in Katalon? I can’t seem to find it.