If statement execution is taking 42 minutes after upgrading to Xcode 11,iOS 13 and Appium 1.15

Hi @duyluong

I did follow this instruction and build Lib and Runner successfully without any error and warning message.

However, I still face this issue Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4 "The folder “WebDriverAgentRunner_iphoneos13.2-arm64.xctestrun” doesn’t exist , with appium 1.15/1.15.1, Katalon 7.06 while runing test on real iOS devices.

I am not sure whether it is version compatibility issue because I tried some possible solutions on Github but have no luck.

Some people still recommend to use Katalon experimental, which cannot run test on iOS 13.

So which version of Appium and Kalaton is the most stable and capable to run test on iOS 13?

Kind Regards,