If Condition ignoring few statements

I had written If Condition and in that condition i have 2 statements. While running the script it is entering into condition and it is executing 2nd statement. Ignoring 1st staement. Can someone help.

In data i am getting count ‘5’.
def data = TestDataFactory.findTestData(‘Data Files/Recipient Deatils’).getRowNumbers()
if (data <= 4) {
WebUI.callTestCase(findTestCase(‘Common Test Cases/ClickOnSendMoneyButton’), [:], FailureHandling.STOP_ON_FAILURE)

    WebUI.callTestCase(findTestCase('Common Test Cases/ClickOnAddNewRecipient'), \[:\], FailureHandling.STOP\_ON\_FAILURE)  

def data = TestDataFactory.findTestData(‘Data Files/Recipient Deatils’).getRowNumbers()
if (data <= 4) {

  WebUI.callTestCase(findTestCase('Common Test Cases/ClickOnSendMoneyButton'), \[:\], FailureHandling.STOP\_ON\_FAILURE)  

def control = 1

if (control= 1) {
WebUI.callTestCase(findTestCase(‘Common Test Cases/ClickOnAddNewRecipient’), [:], FailureHandling.STOP_ON_FAILURE)

Try with this, let me know if it work for you.

Thank you for the Answer.

I have count of 5 and i have a ‘for’ loop iterated to 5 times. Only in the last run those statements should not be executed. Rest of the 4 times it should execute

I had tried below condition as well
if(data !=5) also

Could you post all the code to see what are you doing?

Sorry, for the late response. I got the solution. Thanks

Hi Luis, do you know mobile testing in katalon?