How to Upgrade Katalon Projects from Older Versions (v7/v8/v9) to v10?

Hello Katalon Community,

I need some guidance on how to upgrade two of my Katalon projects to the latest version (v10). One project was created using Katalon Studio v9, and the other was created in an older version, either v8 or v7.

Can anyone share the steps to properly upgrade these projects to Katalon Studio v10? Specifically:

  1. For the project created in v9, how can I smoothly upgrade it to v10 without breaking existing functionality?
  2. For the project created in v8/v7, are there any additional steps I should follow to ensure compatibility with v10?

Thanks in advance!

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hey @sjsppraveen

I think this becomes an issue if your project is using BDD. But if it’s not, the upgrade process is straightforward:

  • Install Katalon v10.
  • Open your old project in Katalon v10.
  • It will update the project accordingly.

You can find the detailed steps in this article: Migrate Katalon Studio from 9.x to 10.0.0 | Katalon Docs