How to show attribute info in katalon reports vers 6.1.5

How to show attribute info in test suite report version 6.1.5 for showing variable value

This my last report using katalon vers 6.0.5

This is my last report using katalon vers 6.1.5 (variable not showing)


i have used
import com.kms.katalon.core.util.KeywordUtil

KeywordUtil log = new KeywordUtil()

if (!CollectionUtils.isEqualCollection(newAddedElementsList, cards)){
	log.logInfo ("page have "+newAddedElementsList+" which not in data "+cards)
	//throw new StepErrorException(message)
} else{
	log.logInfo("page and data are equal")

Oh this was in 6.1.2 version, not tried with latest cause there are some bugs about test reports