How to (manually) work with iframes in Katalon

I have found that the following works for me when working with iframes:

  1. Manually create a new iframe TestObject as follows:
    -Start Katalon Studio
    -Right click on ‘Object Repository’ from the left tree
    -Click New > Test Object
    -Input Name= iframe01, click OK; iframe01 opens
    -Input the Attributes or Xpath to locate iframe01
    DO NOT tick the ‘Parent iframe’ property radio button

  2. Manually create a new TestObject as follows:
    -Start Katalon Studio
    -Right click on ‘Object Repository’ from the left tree
    -Click New > Test Object
    -Input Name= testObject1, click OK; testObject1 opens
    -Input the Attributes or Xpath to locate testObject1
    DO NOT tick the ‘Parent iframe’ property radio button

//Add the following to the body of the test case:
WebUI.switchToFrame(findtestObject('iframe01'), 30); //opens iframe01
WebUI.waitForElementVisible(findtestObject('testObject1'), 30);'testObject1'));
//Other steps can go here...
WebUI.switchToDefaultContent(); //closes iframe01

Hi @Dave_Evers .

thanks, your information was very useful :slightly_smiling_face: