How to disable 'Save your info' dialog in Edge Chromium

Hey Dave, apologies on the late response. Finally got some time to look a this a little closer.

According to these posts, this is not currently supported by default by Microsoft, whom actually manage EdgeDriver (i.e. the problem doesn’t lie in Selenium or Katalon, obviously):

However, I have something you may want to try. Using my post about discovering any desired capability you may want to manage, I discovered a setting in edge that may actually control this alert.

Try adding this to your desired capabilities list as a pref:

Name: credentials_enable_service
Type: Boolean
Value: false

If you haven’t read through my Desired Capabilities topic, I’ll give you a tl;dr on how I found this:
1.) Grab a snapshot of my current Edge Preferences file. This can usually be found at C:/Users/{username}/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Edge/User Data/Default/Preferences
2.) Open an Edge browser.
3.) Open Settings > Passwords.
4.) Toggle off the Offer to save passwords setting:

5.) Wait a few seconds, then grab a second snapshot of the Preferences file.
6.) Format both snapshots using a JSON formatter, then put both into a text comparator, and voila, this is the corresponding setting in JSON that gets updated once you toggle that off:

Now, I’m hoping that this setting is what controls the Save your information popup, but I’m not 100% on that. You may need to repeat this process given that there’s some other setting that controls it.

Give it a try and let us know.

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