How to click to another Page after Login Page In WInium

I am automating an application where I have to click elements on next window after login . Below is the issue that I am observing, which is making my scripts failed.

Login is a small splash screen , which opens and I entered the Username and password correctly and logged in successfully

After that another screen is open(containing further functionalities) , and i am able to locate the element , but when i tried to click it , it keeps in loading state for a long time , and never returns (I tried to keep it loading for at least 30 minutes)

I tried using this (web element is found , and line “the order button” gets printed but then no action is performed)

WebElement loginFrame = driver.findElementByClassName(“name of class”);
System.out.println(“Click the Orders Button …”);

I had also use Robot feature of selenium to click on Menu Bar / Status Bar , but I am still not able to add any text inside the application using send key method . Also I do not find Robot Class a Good solution

If anybody knows how to handle the switching between the windows or have any suggestions . Please let me know .