Can i change the test run name being displayed in the katalon site?
Currently it is displayed as “Untitled Test Run #…”
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To change a test name in Katalon TestOps, you have a few options:
- Rename the test suite in Katalon Studio:
- Open the test suite in Katalon Studio
- Right-click on the test suite name and select “Rename”
- Provide a new name for the test suite
- Save the changes and push to your Git repository
- The renamed test suite will be reflected in TestOps after the next test run
- Edit the test suite name in TestOps:
- Go to your project in TestOps
- Navigate to the test suite
- Click the Action Menu icon next to the test suite
- Select “Rename”
- Enter the new name for the test suite
- Click “Rename” to save the changes
- For data-driven tests, you can specify iteration names to differentiate test runs:
- In Katalon Studio, open your test suite
- In the Variable binding section, click “Select” next to “Set Test Name”
- Choose a variable to add to the iteration name
- This will make the test names appear as: “Test case name”/“Iteration name” in TestOps reports
- For scheduled test runs in TestOps:
- When creating or editing a scheduled test run
- You can provide a custom name for the test run in the “Name” field
Katalon TestOps does not currently support changing individual test case names dynamically during runtime
Hi @LittleTestingBoy,
Welcome to our community.
Actually you should rename your test case from Katalon Studio and then run on TestOps. You cannot change it from TestOps site. Please try again and let me know soon. Thank you
@LittleTestingBoy can you confirm if your query resolved?