πŸ“š How to Ask the Community?

You are currently reading Part 3 of our Getting Started Guide
Part 1: Setting up your Profiles
Part 2: How to Search the Community? :mag:
Part 3: How to Ask the Community? :speech_balloon:
Part 4: How to Get Solutions from the Community? :white_check_mark:
Part 5: What are Trust Levels? :medal_sports:
Part 6: Get recognized for your contribution with the Kudos Board! :trophy:
Part 7: Badges - Gotta catch 'em all! :sparkles:
Part 8: Katalon Community Sitemap

Hi Community newcomers! :wave:

In the previous topic, we’ve looked at how to search for existing topics… Now, let’s turn our attention to how to create one.

How to Ask the Community?

1. Creating your topic

To start, click the Ask the Community button on the homepage, or any other page where said button is visible, and it will bring up the composer UX where you can type in your text and much more.

You can use Markdown or BBCode to format your text, add images/videos, gifs, and emojis, or insert links from external sources into your topic.

ask the community & create a topic

A rule of thumb for when creating your topic:

Note: For categories such as Katalon Studio or Bugs Report, we have also include a Topic Template that would automatically populate the composer to help you write your topic better.

Click Ask the Community once you’re done writing your topic.

2. Editing your topic

If you’d like to change the category of your topic, append a new tag, or edit the content of your topic after publishing it, simply:

Click the pencil icon :pencil2: next to the topic title to change its title, category, and tags, …

edit topic's title

… or, scroll down to the bottom of the first post in your topic, click the three-dot β€’β€’β€’ button, then click the pencil icon :pencil2: to edit the first post’s content, alongside its category, title, & tags.

Joining in the Conversation

1. Replying to topics/posts

Click any Reply to open the composer. You can continue reading (and even search or navigate to different topics) while you type your reply.

Once you’re done, click Reply .

reply to topic

Discourse shows all posts in the order they are published. It doesn’t make you chase down multiple threaded paths. However, it still gives you lots of ways to follow the context of conversations.

To reply to a specific post in a topic, click the grey Reply button at the end of each post and your reply is linked to that post.

  • If your reply is the next one published after the post you are replying to, this will appear next in chronological order.

  • If yours is NOT next, then two things will happen after your post is published:

  • Your post/reply will include a new link in its header with an image to show what this is β€˜in reply to’ - clicking this link displays that previous post for context.

  • The original post includes a count of replies at the bottom - clicking this link displays the content of the replies.

2. Drafts

Drafts will automatically be saved as you write. If you minimize the composer or navigate to a different topic or area of the Community. the composer will be collapsed.

To open a draft, return to the topic you were replying to or click the highlighted bar at the bottom of your browser to bring up the composer.

3. Quoting

To insert a quote, select the text you wish to quote, then click the Quote button that pops up. The key thing to remember when quoting is to be specific, quoting a whole message is rather unnecessary.

You can quote text from within the same topic, or from different topics, posts, and users. The quoted text will point to the original source.

4. Mentioning

To notify someone about your reply, mention their name. This works in both topics and personal messages. Type @ to begin selecting a username.


Actions and Reactions

There are action buttons at the bottom of each post:

  • To let someone know that you enjoyed and appreciate their post, use the Like to drop a heart to show your support. Alternatively, hover over it to discover other reactions!
  • Grab a copy-pasteable (permalink) to any post or topic via the Link :link: button.
  • Use the β€’β€’β€’ button to reveal more actions:
  • Flag :black_flag: to privately let the OP, or the Katalon team, know about a problem.
  • Edit :pencil2: to edit your own post.
  • Bookmark :bookmark: to find the post later in your Profile page.
  • Last but not least, if any post in your topic helps you solve your issues then don’t hesitate to click :white_check_mark: Solution !

:pushpin: Up next: Part 4: How to Get Solutions from the Community? :white_check_mark:

:point_up: Back to top :point_up:

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