How to activate Katalon Studio from command line?

Is there a way to activate the Katalon Studio from command line? I have tried with -email= -pass= from command line but it doesn’t activate the Katalon Studio GUI. This we need to remote deploy the software on team machine.


I’m not sure if there is any solution - @duyluong can you help? However, we are working on standard installers for this deployment purpose. They are expected to be released soon.

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Hi @Prabal_Biswas,

To use Katalon Studio via command line, there are 2 options:

  • In GUI mode, please execute ./katalon (on macOS and Linux) or katalon.exe (on Windows) in your cmd. KS GUI will pop-up and require authentication to continue using.
  • In Console mode, KS GUI will not display but still run and display log only and we don’t require any authentication. Please follow this document for more details.

- Currently, KS haven’t supported activate KS GUI mode via command line yet. But as @devalex88 said we are currently working on a standard installers. Please stay tuned.


Thank you very much for your response. We look forward for the standard installer.