How do you arrange test cases, test objects and test suites?

Hi, I’m new to automation testing and Katalon. I’m trying to test an end-to-end feature that allows users to upload there files and get analysis report. Here is a quick process flow:
Authentication → click Upload Files → click Add Files → click Next → click Submit

Is there any guideline for writing and arranging test cases and test suites? Now I’m writing test cases as follows:

Test Case 1: test Authentication
Test Case 2: call Test Case 1 → test Upload Files
Test Case 3: call Test Case 2 → test Add Files
Test Case 4: call Test Case 3 → test Next
Test Case 5: call Test Case 4 → test Submit

Is it OK to write test cases like this or test cases should be independent from each other? For example,

Test Case 1: test Authentication
Test Case 2: test Upload Files
Test Case 3: test Add Files
Test Case 4: test Next
Test Case 5: test Submit

In this case, I will put these Test Cases to a Test Suite so they will be executed sequentially:

Test Suite 1: call Test Case 1 → call Test Case 2 → call Test Case 3 → call Test Case 4 → call Test Case 5

Which one is correct? Any suggestion would be highly appreciated:)

Another possible solution that might be interesting for your case is following:

Create a Test Case and name it for example: “Scenario 01”
Inside of this Test Case you can call your test cases like:
1. Call Test Case 1
2. Call Test Case 2
3. Call Test Case 3

and so on