How do I export test cases from Katalon Studio?

Hi @aaltenkirch, the answer is because test cases in Katalon Recorder are of a simpler format than test cases in Katalon Studio, and therefore converting Recorder’s test cases to other formats are easier to implement - which is what we’ve already done.

Katalon Studio’s test cases are more complex and currently somewhat heavily dependent on Studio’s framework, hence the efforts required to convert them into other formats are quiet high.

This also explains why it’s easy to integrate Recorder’s test cases into Studio, but not the other way around, because one direction is much simpler.

In the future, we will try to decouple our framework from the functionalities we provide and thus enable you (the users) to define customizeable behaviors ( such as compatibility of test cases with C#, etc). However, we aim to provide you with the necessary APIs to do what you want, because we can’t cover every case and feature. This is also the purpose of our Open-source Katalon Platform.

We will take into consideration this test case export functionality when we design our Platform, and possibly this could be a Plug-in of its own. In the mean time it is not supported yet. You can contribute ideas to Plug-ins by creating a new topic under the Plugin Platform Category.

Have a nice day !