Highlights from Latvia Local Meetup - hosted by Monty Bagati

Some highlights from a local meetup in Riga, Lativa, hosted by @Monty_Bagati last week as he demonstrated an end-to-end demo on how to apply the Katalon Platform for Web Testing, alongside some of Katalon’s smart features i.e. Smart Wait, Self-Healing, Data-driven Testing, etc. to an audience of testers from Cognizant, Accenture, etc.

We can’t wait to see what Monty will achieve next as a Creator! :star_struck:


Thanks @albert.vu for summarizing the Latvia meetup in the best possible way. The event was exciting and full of eagerness.

A lot of questions were asked on what Katalon Platform @katalon.team is offering on the AI side.

There are many events in pipeline that would be more amazing ! Stay Tuned !

cc @mverinder

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LOVE THIS!!! :heart_eyes:

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Welcome Back , John : @vu.tran

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