Gitless Upload Plugin Katalon TestOps

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

If you’re encountering issues connecting Katalon TestOps with your Git repository or on-premise Git, or if you don’t have any repository but still want to schedule and run your tests from TestOps, we’ve developed a utility to streamline this process. This tool allows users to directly upload their projects from Katalon Studio to TestOps, enabling seamless test scheduling and execution.

Please follow the steps below to install and use this plugin:

  1. Log in to
  2. Search for the Gitless Upload Plugin and install it.
  3. In Katalon Studio, go to Reload Plugins.
  4. After reloading, you’ll see a new icon near the Git icon in the menu section.
  5. Click on the icon, enter the required details, and select Upload Project.
  6. Go back to TestOps and check the script repository.
  7. Verify that test cases and test suites appear in the Tests section of TestOps.

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