Getting "Unable to start application on this device" when running Record Mobile

My *.APK opens on my android device, but I don’t have enough time to input the login credentials. How can I extend the time that appium waits so I have time to input the credentials?


OS: Windows 7 (64) bit system
Galaxy S7

node= v9.11.2

npm= 5.6.0

Used: npm install -g appium@1.8.1 to install appium

Katalon Appium Directoy= C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\appium

See attached appium.log


Found the answer here:

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Hi Dave,

[EDIT] Looks like you found an answer, here’s a bit more info:

According to the log file you included, there might be a mismatch between the package name and the activity name:

[debug] e[35m[ADB]e[39m Found package: ‘’ and fully qualified activity name : ‘com.yourcompany.login.LoginActivity’

[debug] e[35m[ADB]e[39m Incorrect package and activity. Retrying.

There are some DesiredCapabilities you can set that might help you get around this. In your Project->Settings menu, go to Execution->Default->Mobile->Android.

Add new entries for appPackage, appActivity, appWaitActivity, and appWaitDuration. Here’s a description of what those activities mean:

When done, it should look something like this (substituting mycompany for the actual company code in the package).

Name            Type   ValueappWaitActivity String com.mycompany.*
appPackage      String
appActivity     String com.mycompany.Login
appWaitDuration Number 30000

Hope this helps,


Thanks for the tips!