Food and drinks ... and everything in between 😋

I can pickle almost everything :)))
This is a very old recipe at least in balcanic regions.
The taste is great!
You have the chrunch from the shell, and the soft sweat-and-sour from the rest.


Okie that does sounds quite appetizing, as oppose to the (in my opinion) abomination that is grilled watermelon :nauseated_face:

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i am a bit unsure about it.
i grilled up to now pineapple, speaking about fruits add the taste is great and doesn’t require pre-prep.

anyway, feel free to try. it may work or not, just few days spend for nothing
i suppose, the marinating and smoking processes does the main trick, grilling is just for finalizing

definetly cannot be served as a main, imho, but cand be great as a side dish for a steak of for a roasted pork leg.

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Just curious about what you guys have been having/cooking for Christmas and/or the upcoming New Year’s Eve :yum:

Show us some pictures below :point_down:

sample code, still WIP for New Year:

spoiler: tangerines are not actually tangerines

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in the mean time, a quick snack:


Lovely meal :yum:

I think I saw some eggs in one of your pictures above, what are they? Look like hard-boiled eggs cut in half with a spoonful of what I am guessing is guacamole? :thinking: you are guessing right.
it is not guacamole for filling but close enough.
it is a tradition, at least in my family to have such stuffed eggs, with whatever comes to your mind.

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i must try this one day


After some (lot of) delay, the 2023 summer eppisode is released:

Less captions this time and dialogues are mostly in Romanian, but the pics are self explanatory, I hope.

The fall / winter episode is still in the queue for final cuts, the producer was busy with some other projects.

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over the time i collected various knife’s.
a must have, even in a ‘wannabe chef’ kitchen.
with any of them i have memories, but my collection became a mess.
time for renewal 

LE: the quality looks promising. Time will tell

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The sun-dried tomatoes (with cheese I presume) at the 1:15 minute mark looks amazing! :yum: What do you normally eat with sun-dried tomatoes?

Also, the boiled corns rolled in butter (and I guess some herbs as well) remind me of one of our comfort/street food - grilled corn in scallion oil (báșŻp nướng mụ hĂ nh) - which I used to eat a lot as a kid.

I believe there is a meme out there that says while the West needs a lot of types of knifes, the Chinese only needs their cleaver to cook most (if not all) of their dishes :woozy_face:

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Various. Are used either as a starter alongside with some other stuff, like a selection of cheese, some olives and so on, or are used for cooking, e.g with pasta, seafod whatever.

That’s true.
You can search on youtube for Taste Show / Chef John Zhang which proves that meme is not just a meme.
Unfortunately I am a West guy from this point of view.
Altough I do have also two cleavers, but not a multipurpose chinese one (yet).
Just a butcher cleaver and one small japanese which I use mostly for veggies.

LE: aside of that, ‘West guys’ usually need tons of pots, pans, cauldrons etc, not to mention also the utensils involved.
I suppose, this is the main reason an European or US kitchen has to be huge, with lot of furniture to store various ‘devices’.

A chinese chef needs only a wok! And fire! And chopsticks! (aside of the must have cleaver)


Here’s a recipe for “Thịt kho trứng” (Pork and Eggs in Caramel sauce) that is pretty popular in Southern Vietnamese during the Lunar New Year

Note that you can use either chicken eggs or duck eggs. And, to make it better, use coconut water instead of just regular water. If you have the time, try making it. I promised you will be hooked in no time :wink:

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Found this post whilst browsing through Reddit (I couldn’t get the Reddit post to display properly in Discourse, so I had to copy & paste the image here, the link to the original post is below)

Economy meal comparison traveling from Japan (ANA vs United)
byu/sudsomatic inpics

The OP was comparing the in-flight food between ANA (an Japanese airline) and United Airline, and the difference could not have been more jarring. For those who’d flown with United Airlines before, can you guys confirm? :face_with_monocle:

I’ll take the one with less salmonella.


I could make out a sausage and an omelet in the second picture, though the third “thing” sort of looks like hashbrown to me.

Have you ever had such “delectable” food experiences on any of your flights before?

Is this the “right” way to eat rice in your opinion? :thinking:

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Hey folks @here, :wave:

Now that Christmas is (almost) over for most part of the world and Mariah Carey has gone back to her cryo-chamber, I’m curious to see the dishes and drinks that you had during Christmas as where I come from we don’t celebrate Christmas that much.

Feel free to share any pictures/videos you may have below (and it need not to be all about food & drinks, could also be about a Christmas custom/tradition in your country) :point_down: