Exception Handling for Custom Keywords

Perhaps the problem is caused by how Katalon handles the exception stack?

This works fine in my Keyword classes – however, I don’t use @Keyword, instead I create static methods, like this:

import com.kms.katalon.core.exception.StepErrorException as StepErrorException

public class mytools {

  static void chkBoolean(boolean chk) {
    if(!chk) {
      throw new StepErrorException("Boolean chk is false")

  static void otherMethod() { ... }

And in my Test Case, I call them like this:

import static mytools.*

try {
} catch (Exception e) {
  // do stuff with e
  // maybe throw e again

In fact, my whole test is contained in a Test class constructor called Test:

// imports ...

public class Test extends page_from_my_pom {
  Test() {
    navigateTo() // go to page_from_pom

    // more steps here

try {
  new Test()
  passThisTest() // static method
} catch (Exception e) {
  failThisTest(e.message) // static method 
  throw e

It’s a nice enough model giving me pretty good control (before handing control back to Katalon) – I hope it helps you.