Does the latest katalon Studio version support the xcode 10.1 and ios 12 on MAC

Hi @Dino

That’s an interesting error because the UDID is supposed to be something like 0A882FFF-10CC-43C2-896E-E83CA5DBE295, not 9.7-inch. Could you share a screenshot of what your Katalon Studio’s Project settings are? Namely the Project Settings->Desired Capabilities->Mobile->iOS screen? Mine looks something like this at the top:

Here are the steps that worked for me to create an app in Xcode 10 but test in Katalon Studio (Xcode 9.4.1):

  • Install both Xcode 9.4.1 and Xcode 10 (make sure you say “Keep Both” or “Rename” when installing the 2nd version)
  • Switch to Xcode 10 to do any development of the app you want to test using sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/ (assuming the Xcode 10 app is named NOTE: Make sure the Deployment Target is iOS 11.4 or less.
  • Build the app in Xcode 10, making note of where the DerivedData directory is and the resulting .app file. You can change this location in Xcode->Preferences->Locations. Here is how mine is set up:

  • This will create an app file located at MyProject/DerivedData/Build/Products/Development-iphonesimulator\
  • Switch to Xcode 9.4.1 in the command line using sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/
  • If you haven’t already, build the Appium WebDriverAgent project using Xcode 9.4.1
  • Start the Simulators app (this should be the one for Xcode 9.4.1)
  • Start the simulator for an iOS 11.4 device you want to test on
  • Drag the file from above into the simulator. This effectively installs it.
  • In Katalon Studio, make sure you start your test using false for the 2nd argument to MobileBuiltInKeywords.startApplication. This makes sure that the app won’t get removed and reinstalled every time. NOTE: You could also just point your test to the file.
  • Run your Katalon Studio tests

Hope this helps,
