Docker Container Machine ID for KRE Offline Install

I am installing Katalon Runtime ENgine inside my air gapped Jenkins docker container running on a Linux platform. I know you need to provide a machine-id when provisioning an offline license, and I am wondering how people went about finding that on Linux (when installing Katalon Studio on Windows it is easy, because the UI tells you, but the Runtime Engine is all command line).

There is the added issue of making sure I have a persistent machine-id across all my docker containers, but I can figure that out once I know how to get the Linux machine id.


Do you mean a Runtime Engine installed on a Linux machine, or Katalon Studio (which is the desktop application) ? If it’s Katalon Studio then wouldn’t the UI also tell you ? Sorry if there’s something I missed.

Hey @ThanhTo, sorry I wasn’t clear (I have edited my post for clarity). I am talking about installing the Runtime Engine on our Jenkins machine. Am I mistaken in my understanding that for the KRE offline license you need a machine-id?

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Your understanding is correct. If it’s Runtime Engine, then you just need to execute a command line first. If it’s air gapped then the online activation would fail. The offline activation would also fail because there isn’t an offline license yet. However, in the console log you will see that there’s a machine ID printed out, you can copy this and use it.

Additionally, you can also just execute the command line multiple times (before provisioning an offline license) to see if the machine IDs printed are consistent or not.

Ok great, thanks @ThanhTo for the swift response, I will investigate that on Monday.

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HI @ThanhTo, I proved the machine id was consistent between Docker container restarts, which was a good sign, so I went ahead and provisioned the offline KRE license. Unfortunately the license is being recognised but is failing to activate.

Obviously I am working in an air-gapped environment, however I will do my best to transcribe out the relevant console output:

OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: If the number of processors is expected to increase from one, then you should configure the number of parallel GC threads appropriately using -XX:ParallelGCThreads=N
Katalon workspace folder is set to default location: /tmp/session-89350796
Starting Groovy-Eclipse compiler resolver. Specified compiler level: unspecified
176 2.4.7 xx-201611170128-e46 = ACTIVE
INFO: Katalon Version: 7.4.0
INFO: Command-line arguments: -runMode=console -projectPath=/var/jenkins_home/workspace/Performnace/katalon.prj -retry=0 -testSuitePath=Test_Suites/Test_Suites/Performance -executionProfile=default -browserType=Chrome
INFO: User working dir: /var/jenkins_home/workspace/Performance
INFO: Error log: /tmp/session-89350796/.metadata/.log
INFO: Katalon TestOps server URL:
INFO: Katalon Store server URL:
INFO: User home: /var/jenkins_home
INFO: Java vendor: Oracle Corporation
INFO: Java versionL
INFO: Local OS: Linux 64bit
INFO: CPU load: 0%
INFO: Total memory: 15887 MB
INFO: Free memory: 356 MB
Start activating offline…
Search for valid offline licenses in folder: /var/jenkins_home/.katalon/license
Start checking license: <LICENSE_NAME>.lic
<LICENSE_NAME>.lic is valid.
The number of valid offline licenses: 1
Offline activation failed.
Start activating online…
Cannot connect to Katalon TestOps server. Please check your Internet connection and try again.
All launchers terminated

I have compared the checksum of the license file generated online and the file I am using in the Jenkins machine and they are the same, so I am not sure what I am missing here.

Do you have any thoughts?


Please try with KRE v7.4.6 and share us the execution log if the issue comes again.

Hey @duyluong, I finally got a chance to get back around to investigating this. Thankfully I can confirm KRE 7.4.6 fixed this issue, and I can now successfully activate the offline license.

Really appreciate yours and ThanhTo’s help.