Display Text at End of Test Suite

Let me tell you my case.

A few year ago, I was given with a large Excel workbook. The .xlsx file contained 40 sheets. Each sheet contained some hundreds of rows (e.g, 500). A single row contained a URL, credentials (name/pw), some descriptions. So the Excel file contained approximately 20,000 URLs. This Excel sheet was created and maintained by somebody in the company for their own purpose. I was not in charge of editting/maintaining the file at all. I had no right to modify the file.

My boss asked me to test the URLs included in the Excel workbook file using some Web UI automation tool. I used KS and applied my VisualTestingInKatalonStudio approach. Soon I found that 20,000 URLs are too many to process as a batch. I expected to take 3 - 5 days to take screenshots of 20,000 web pages and do image comparison. Nobody would like to use it.

It was not necessary to process all of 20,000 URLs at a time. I wanted to generate a smaller size of test data by choosing some portion of rows out of a sheet. How did I choose rows? — it is not an important question here. In fact, I developed many patterns of test data selection out of the given data source. Namely “this weeks data”, “todays’ data”, “Test data for phase 1.2.3”, “Test data for the next week-end work”. Anyway, I developed a set of preprocessors that generate 50 rows out of 20000, 200 outout 20000, etc.

So I designed my test to have 2 segments.

  1. Preprocess the original Excel workbook to generate a set of test data. Read the .xslx file to generate 40 - 100 CSV files in a designated directory.

A test choose a CSV to process and

  1. Run Visual Testing script in katalon studio with the CSV file selected

Therefore I wanted my test to display a JFileChooser dialog to ask the tester to choose which CSV file he/she wants to process.

Having a GUI Dialog made easier for testers to run the test suite. I asked a tester who is going to work on a weekend,

Look at this FileChooser dialog! You want to select THIS file, and let the VisualTesting tool to consume it. It will run 20 minutes. You can have a coffee break then. Once the test run 100% passed, you can go home with relief. If the test failed, well, good-luck!