display flickering while taking a test on IE

When mouse is over on some elements, display starts flickering in IE 11.

I try to find out the solution and it seems like this page is about same problem.

Selenium IE Webdriver Hovering Over Element flickering

(javascript - Selenium IE Webdriver Hovering Over Element flickering - Stack Overflow )

I apply #2 method but didn’t work and don’t know how to use first one. Could you guys tell me how to set Katalon Studio up for#1?


DesiredCapabilities returnCapabilities = DesiredCapabilities.internetExplorer();
returnCapabilities.setCapability(InternetExplorerDriver.ENABLE_PERSISTENT_HOVERING, false);
WebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(returnCapabilities);

This is what I'm saying as #1 method

Thank you.

1. This is the page of real site display which is not mouse over yet.

2. This is the page of real site display which shows hidden menu

3. This is a code for mouse over action

4. This is a settings that I was given advice before.

5. This is information about elements that I want to mouse ovr

It still didn’t work well. please take a look at what I wrote here.

Thank you!!!

I’ve already done like this but didn’t work.

Could you give me another advice?!

Thank you!!!

Hi Kim,

Katalon allows users to add their DesiredCapabilities via Project Settings/Execution.

In your case, the settings should be like this https://prnt.sc/fsmvzw.

Here are references.
