Could not Capture Windows Element: WebDriverException Error

I’m encountering an error while trying to deploy using Katalon with FileMaker. After double-clicking to open a file, I receive below error.

Has anyone experienced this issue or found a solution? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Event Log - Do I need to buy Katalon Enterprise version for this to work out?

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Hello there,
Are you trying to automate using Windows Recorder or Native Windows Recorder?

Regarding to the log screenshot you shared, I think you have some Azure integration that might need the KSE license, but it should not be related with your error.

I dont know which type of apps you could create with FileMaker, but Windows recorder (and WinDriver it self) is not compatible with the 100% of Window (Desktop) Apps. As the Katalon Docs. said

Katalon Studio fully supports automation test for desktop apps written in the following platforms: Universal Windows Platform (UWP), Windows Forms (WinForms), Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), and Classic Windows (Win32).

Here is the link for more details